Wellspect HealthCare announced at EAUN24 the roll-out of a new line extension to its LoFric Origo catheter range. The new line extension, LoFric Origo Sleeve, builds on a non-touch technique.

The new product is part of Wellspect’s LoFric Origo range – which has been very appreciated among users and healthcare professionals since its launch some ten years ago. The range includes a variety of catheter sizes, tips and gripping solutions. All catheters have a unique and patented Urotonic™ Surface Technology, which ensures smooth catheterization and long-term urethral health.   

LoFric Origo’s latest upgrade is a thin cover along the catheter that fully enfolds the catheter tube. A loop on the package makes opening easier. 

LoFric Origo’s wide range offers hygienic handling for all needs and preferences. With the latest addition, even more men will be able to succeed with intermittent catheterization.